ULMA Packaging progresses with its carbon footprint reduction plan by installing photovoltaic panels in its various production centres

Dec 20, 2022
Once completed, the project will be capable of generating approximately 1 MW

Under the concept of the circular economy, the #ULMAweCare project is continuing to hit major milestones for ULMA Packaging by reducing the environmental impact of its activity.

Until now, the greatest emphasis has been placed on sustainability, focused on the sustainable packaging that its machines produce, reducing the use of packaging material and replacing them with more recyclable materials.

However, as part of its objective to become a leading company with regards to sustainability and to leave the smallest possible carbon footprint, the first milestone was achieved when it decided to receive 100% of its power from renewable sources.

1,333 t reduction in CO2 per year

This decision to only use green energy will lead to a 1,333 t reduction in CO2 emissions every year from all of its production activity in its centres in Oñati.

930 kW capacity in solar panels

The next milestone, an even more momentous step, was to invest in green energy produced by solar panels.

Photovoltaic cells are currently installed in both of its production centres, with a generation capacity of 250 kW.

This larger-scale project will see a further two production centres being added to those above, so when this project is completed, it will be capable of supplying up to 930 kW.

Towards a zero carbon footprint

Reducing carbon footprints is one of the essential aspects of the strategies of many companies which, like ULMA Packaging, believe that reducing the environmental impact of their activity should be one of the key focuses of their work in the present and near future.