ULMA's new ARTIC SS C flow wrapper: packaging machine for portions of cheese, with side sealing and shrink wrap film

This new design, based on the ARTIC side seal machine, ensure airtight packaging and a more visually pleasing end result, without any seals on the cutting side, easy to open and with more space for labelling. A newly developed product by ULMA, with lots of benefits for food safety and its appearance.
Exceptional appearance, with no seals on either side
ULMA has been working for the food industry for decades, a sector that is especially demanding when it comes to safety and where sustainability-related aspects are becoming increasingly important. Therefore, we have developed solutions that are fully customised for each product, allowing us to optimise the use of materials, save time and reduce labour costs.
Our latest product, based on ARTIC SS packaging machines, is designed to package portions of cheese in modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), thus eliminating the usual lengthwise and crosswise seals of flow pack machines, replacing them with seals in the same place as the cheese rind, giving the end product a more appealing appearance and ensuring greater safety because, as the product no longer has any lengthwise and crosswise seals, the risk of any leaks in that area is avoided.
Packaging that is more airtight, visually appealing, sustainable and easier to open
In addition to an improved appearance, environmental benefits are also obtained, as the entire packaging process is designed to optimise the packaging's wrapping material, using an extremely lightweight plastic material, a shrink wrap film that is only 21 microns thick.
Eliminating lengthwise and crosswise seals also provides benefits for labelling, as the two upper and lower sides of the product have no seals, freeing up space for as many labels as necessary. In this seal-free space, you can include labels that cover perforations, easy open labels and/or promotional labels.
Regarding easy open labels, this new packaging format allows them to be placed in such a way that the packaging is torn open, as far as the lengthwise seal. To open them, simply pull on them and the packaging easily comes apart from the product with a single movement, as can be seen at this video, which shows how these machines work and their benefits. The whole packaging process is performed reliably, hygienically and with outstanding aesthetic results.
A fully automatic process that ensures outstanding presentation
As can be seen at the video ULMA's new wrapping machines collect the portions of cheese from the cutting line in a way that is fully automatic and then smoothly transfer them to inside the film's tube. To ensure that the packaging looks as good as possible, the machines come with a forming mould, which adapts to the size of each portion. It also has a side seal system that removes any excess film, creating a thin seal.
Thanks to the cross-sealing system with a long dwell sealing head, the machine achieves highly reliable airtight packaging, with a high level of performance and safety guaranteed. When the portions are wrapped in film and the packaging has been sealed, they are passed through a hot air shrink tunnel, which gives the packaged product an exceptional final appearance.